Receiving Holy Eucharist, The Sacrament of Healing

Receiving Holy Eucharist, The Sacrament of Healing


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Title: Receiving Holy Eucharist, The Sacrament of Healing

By: Fr. Robert DeGrandis, SSJ

Price: $5.00

In his introduction, Fr. Degrandis writes, “Whenever I meet ex-Catholics, I always ask them what they think about the Eucharist. Usually, the response is something like, “I don’t know,” or “I have not thought about it”.

The Eucharist is central to our faith. Can you imagine someone saying, “Good-bye, Jesus. I am going to that other church where the music is better, the preaching is stronger and the people friendlier”

The need in the Church is to preach and highlight the incredible gift of the holy Eucharist. This booklet is an attempt to focus our attention on the importance of Holy Communion.”

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