Title: Against the Tide: The Radical Leadership of Pope Francis (a Liguori Publication)-SPANISH edition
Author: John L. Allen, Jr.
Description: Called the “people’s pope” and the “pope of mercy” Pope Francis has been quickly collecting names for himself during his time in the papal office. While he has embraced modest living his leadership of the Catholic Church has been anything but quiet as he has begun to change the way the world views the Church through what has been dubbed the “Francis Effect” by the media. But Pope Francis doesn’t just want to get people talking, he wants to get people moving.
Called the “people’s pope” and the “pope of mercy” Pope Francis has been quickly collecting names for himself during his time in the papal office. While he has embraced modest living his leadership of the Catholic Church has been anything but quiet as he has begun to change the way the world views the Church through what has been dubbed the “Francis Effect” by the media. But Pope Francis doesn’t just want to get people talking, he wants to get people moving.
Llamado el “Papa de la gente” y el “Papa de la misericordia”, de forma inmediata el Papa Francisco ha ido acumulando títulos a lo largo de su gestión en la oficina papal. A pesar de haber asumido un modesto estilo de vida, el modo en que ha dirigido a la Iglesia Católica ha sido todo menos tranquilo. Efectivamente, el Papa ha generado un cambio en la manera en que se ve ahora a la Iglesia, siendo factor decisivo en el mismo, al punto de merecer de los medios el título de “efecto Francisco”. Sin embargo, el Papa Francisco no quiere que la gente hable únicamente, quiere que la gente “se mueva”.
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