The Poetry of John Paul II, Roman Triptych: Meditations

The Poetry of John Paul II, Roman Triptych: Meditations


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Category: Product ID: 5288


Title: The Poetry of John Paul II, Roman Triptych: Meditations

Translated By:Jerry Peterkiewicz

Price: $19.95

Widely regarded as his spiritual last testament, Roman Triptych:Meditations contains three poems by Pope John Paul II, the first one written and published during his pontificate.

In the first poem, “The Stream,” the pope revels in the wonder and beauty of the natural world. He urges us to trace a mountain stream – the mystery of life- back to its ineffable and divine source. In the second poem, Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel becomes the background sitting for the pope’s personal reflections upon his own mortality. Finally, in the third poem, he takes us up the terrifying slopes of Mount Moriah, where Abraham was called to bind and sacrifice his beloved son, Isaac. The poem becomes a profound reflection on sacrifice –and the incomparable love of God for humanity.

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